Joe Darbyshire – Hunter and Shooter, Show Low, Arizona :

Just a note to tell you I think this is one fine piece of craftsmanship.  Nice machining, and it works quite well.  So easy even a cave man can use it.  I used it to check a bunch of my mounted scopes–some needed a bit of re-aligning, some didn’t.  Something like this is especially useful to us poor souls who think it is necessary to change scopes on a regular basis.  Regards, Joe.


Chase Fisher – Gunsmith :

There are a lot of fancy and expensive things that can be done to make rifles accurate–glass bedding, trigger work, match barrels, etc.  However if a scope isn’t properly mounted all that other stuff doesn’t pay dividends, especially in the long range game.  I have been using the Scope-Tru and Reticle-Tru for awhile now on more guns than I can remember and I believe it is the best system out there for achieving a proper mount.  The tools make the job consistent, about as fool proof as you can get and saves time which means it pays for itself in a gun shop.  The Scope-Tru and Reticle-Tru are great diagnostic tools to check the mounting of guns having an accuracy problem, since crooked scopes are one of the most common causes of poor accuracy.  Every gunsmith should have this system–the product quality is excellent, and the Parabola customer service is great.  You need these tools if you’re a gunsmith, and if you’re a serious long range shooter who does your own work.  This is your system.


Jordan Smith – Precision Long Range Shooter :

Jerry, after spending roughly 2 years and mounting dozens of scopes with the Reticle-Tru, I can confidently say that this tool has saved me a lot of time, frustration, and headache!  As a scope installer for a national sporting goods store, and someone who is passionate about precision shooting, my associates and I do a lot of target work which absolutely necessitates a scope with a reticle and erector that are square and plumb to the axis of the rifle.  Many people overlook the importance of having an elevation erector that moves the reticle perpendicular to the force of gravity, but if hitting your target at distance with minimal fuss is the objective, or even getting consistent results when sighting in your hunting scope, then your adjustment erector needs to be moving the bullet’s trajectory up and down, and straight left and right.  I spent hours and hours trying to mount scopes square to the rifle with assorted devices and techniques with varying success, before receiving the Reticle-Tru.  Your tool makes it simple and easy to align the reticle with the axis of the action.  It has made my life easier, especially when mechanical means of squaring up the scope are not available.  Thank you so much for thinking up this simple solution to the problem of mounting a scope square to the rifle.  When mounting a scope using optical techniques, my first inclination is to reach for the Reticle-Tru!  Thanks again!


Brent M. – NRA Certified Firearms Instructor, Reloader, Hunter, Competitive Shooter, Range Safety Officer, and NRA Recruiter :

The Reticle-Tru operated as advertised.  So simple, I got it right the first time I tried it.  I originally saw a review of the Reticle-Tru in RIFLE Magazine.  The simplicity and accuracy were amazing.  I am not a gunsmith, but I am always changing scopes between several of my rifles.  From dealing with bubble levels, I know how common it is to have them “off” a bit.  I also know that I tend to cant some target guns.  Your tool works well, and fast!  There are no thin corners to chip off if dropped, and it is not brittle.  I checked two mounted scopes…one was good, the other needed tweaking.  I’m changing rings on my 788, which will require re-mounting the scope from scratch.  No problem.  Thanks for a great tool!   


Steven Webb – Hunter, Shooter, and Reloader :

I recently received the Reticle-Tru device that you sent to me.  I was very eager to check it out, so I broke out my Winchester model 70 Featherweight which wears a Leupold 3×9 scope with duplex reticle.  I mounted the device all the way forward on the eyepiece of the scope to ensure it was square to the bore axis.  Then I adjusted the rotation of the device to point directly to the center of the rear action tang screw.  This gave an accurate reference for the vertical crosshair orientation inside the scope.  Then by looking through the viewing slot of the device and on through the scope, the vertical crosshair was plainly seen in the center of the viewing slot.  I also noticed that by moving my eye position from side to side that the crosshair could be seen to be aligned perfectly on the side edges of the viewing slot.  There was no difference noticed at 3 or 9 power magnification.  Although I did not use the Reticle-Tru device to actually mount a scope, I can certainly appreciate how much help it would be to anyone doing so.  Sometimes, the simplest tool is the best tool for the job.  For its purpose, this one is.  It is quick and easy to use, it is the tool for the job.


Tony Garibaldi – NRA Instructor & Coach :

I received a Reticle-Tru align device from Jerry Schmidt to test out.  I’m always skeptical of new devices.  Old dogs don’t like to learn new tricks!  This device worked great and doesn’t take up hardly any room in your range box.  Scopes can be aligned with the Reticle-Tru fast and simple.  This tool is one you’ll want to have.  Thank you Jerry for the opportunity to try this valuable tool out.


Terry Ehrhardt – Hunter, Shooter, and Gunsmith :

No problems, works good.  Not sure what you could do to make it better as it is about as simple as a rock.  I wish I had thought of it!!!


Ken Umpierre – Hunter and Rifle Shooter : 

I was honored to be chosen as one to help test the new Reticle-Tru Alignment Device before it went into full production.  When I received the Reticle-Tru I looked it over very closely.  Having spent many years as a QC manager at an aerospace machining firm I have a critical eye for quality machining.  The Reticle-Tru is a very nicely made, high quality tool.  It has precise angles, true edges, and flawless deburring.  I was impressed with the attention to detail.  All the edges were broken with a small and consistent chamfer and not a burr or a bit of fuzziness was in evidence.  After looking over the tool I read the enclosed instruction sheet and was impressed with the thoroughness of that as well.  The instructions were understandable and easy to follow.  I tried the Reticle-Tru on several different rifles and scopes and the tool performed exactly as intended every time.  The Reticle-Tru is a truly revolutionary device which makes the sometimes onerous task of precisely aligning a scope’s reticle a breeze.  I’ve used it many times since I received the tool and every time the result is an easy and accurate alignment.  Thank you for taking the time to develop and produce this tool as it has become an indispensable part of my shooting toolbox.


R. S. Weir – Kapaa, Hawaii :

After reading about the Reticle-Tru in a recent issue of RIFLE Magazine and speaking with Jerry on the phone, I ordered one of the units.  The order was processed quickly and I received the Reticle-Tru in a matter of days.  The CNC designed scope mounting tool was beautifully made and packaged; best of all it solved a problem that I had been dealing with for years–making sure that the scope reticle is plumb with the rifle bore.  The device works as it is supposed to and best of all it is simple to use and eliminates levels and vises.  I highly recommend this fine tool. 


Forrest James – Hunter :

Jerry, the Scope-Tru and Reticle-Tru tools I ordered from you arrived yesterday.  I read the instructions, and also viewed the videos on your website.  I used the Reticle-Tru to check the alignment on several of my rifles, and was surprised to find that every one of them was canted to some degree.  I then used the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar to mount a set of bases and rings to a Remington model 700.  The alignment bar made this task simple and accurate.  I then mounted a scope using the Reticle-Tru.  It was easy, fast, and accurate.  In the past I have tried using spirit levels combined with plumb bobs suspended from strings, and other leveling devices with marginal success.  I like tinkering with different scopes and rifle combinations.  Changing out scopes, or just mounting a new one, took a lot of time and effort.  Your tools are great–the quality of the products are first rate.  I highly recommend your products to anyone.


Steve Davis – Precision Rifle Shooter :

I used the Reticle-Tru alignment device to evaluate the scope mounting job of six different rifles that had scopes mounted on them prior to my having the Reticle-Tru tool.  When checking them with the Reticle-Tru, four were determined to be accurately aligned.  I found that two of them were off, and I then corrected them using the device.  While using the Reticle-Tru, I discovered that when holding the riflescope up to a light source in order to align the crosshair within the vertical slot on the device, it was easier to achieve this step by holding the objective bell of the scope against a window to steady it while rotating the device on the rear ocular bell.  I also found that it can be useful to put a piece of masking tape on the bell of the scope, and marking a line on the 12 o’clock position.  This mark gave me an exact reference spot on the riflescope bell to align the top pointer on. 


Robert K. Rush – MD, Shooter, and Hunter :

I have been testing a pre-production Reticle-Tru on a number of rifles and find it to be a unique and valuable tool for reticle alignment.  Getting the reticle properly aligned can be a chore.  One has to back off, look at glimpses of the reticle and “eyeball” its relationship to the action.  With some ring designs, tightening the screws may cant the alignment and it’s time to start the process all over.  This tool is a beautifully machined, precision instrument.  It externalizes reticle alignment for precise visualization of what’s going on inside the scope, making scope alignment an easy process.  The tool has a series of precisely machined indicators to facilitate the alignment process.  Of the alignment tools on the market, this is the most fool proof, the easiest to use, the toughest and the simplist.  The Reticle-Tru is the eloquence of simplicity, truly a “better mouse trap.”  Well done, Jerry. 


Blair Hansen – Major General (retired) :

Many thanks for sending your Reticle-Tru alignment device.  Simply put, you’ve solved an ongoing frustration I’ve had for over 40 years in aligning scope reticles.  The simplicity of the tool is deceptive–the principle of precisely using the rifle and scope themselves as the basis for aligning the reticle belies the precision and craftsmanship you have put into this tool.  It is beautifully machined and very easy to use, especially after digesting your superb videos and the comprehensive instructions that accompany the tool.  I checked all of my scoped rifles with the tool–bolt actions and single shots with several styles of mounts and rings–rifles on which I thought the reticles were properly aligned.  It turned out that only a third of them were properly aligned–now they all are.  The only trouble now is getting them all back to the range for re-zeroing!  I heartily endorse your invention–it will sell itself.  


Jack Cheasty – Major, U.S. Army (retired) :

Jerry, thank you so much for the time you took with me explaining the use and design of the two alignment bars we bought from you.  When they arrived we knew as soon as we lifted them from the box, that steel was the right choice.  As you may recall we had initially intended to get an aluminum bar, and your advice to go with the steel was well taken.  Now at three months of use I am grateful for your candid assessment of the aluminum edition (too light and too soft).  The steel alignment bars (both the 30 mm and the one inch), have the heft to allow gravity to settle the rings into proper stress free alignment.  The care that went into these bars is evident.  They are precision tools with a perfect finish and a pleasure to use.  We’ve set up three Remington 700’s with Leupold mil-dot reticle scopes and reset two others that had been done by the “eyeball” method.  The 30 mm bar made easy work of all of them, and corrected the misalignment discovered in one of the ring sets we had previously mounted.  Your craftsmanship is superb.


An avid Hunter, Shooter, and Reloader – Northwest Tennessee :

I had a problem with very poor accuracy on my new Winchester single shot Model 1885 High Wall in 38-55.  I needed to deduce if the problem was the factory installed iron sights, the barrel, my loads, or other issues.  So, my first step was to eliminate the potential iron sight issue by installing a scope.  I installed the scope using the Scope-Tru system.  I was impressed how easy it was–simple and accurate.  The system is quite user intuitive.  At the range, I discovered that the problem was in fact the factory iron sights, because the scoped rifle placed very nice groups.  From now on any new rifles that I scope, I will be using your system of alignment.  Thank you for your Scope-Tru system.


Bill Beyl – Gunsmith, Hunter, and Competitive Shooter : 

Montana has some of the most serious hunters in the U.S.A.  They want their equipment to be absolutely “top notch”.  These hunters, as well as the long range competitive shooters, are very satisfied with the results that the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar gives them.  After I use the Scope-Tru on their rifle, they have a definite edge on the range, or in the field.  I’ve mounted scopes for nearly 40 years, and this alignment tool has proven to be the most accurate, and the most easy to use.  In my daily shop use, I’ve found the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar to be a very “time-friendly” tool for the professional gunsmith.


Kirk Stovall – Shooter, Hunter, and Firearms Collector : 

It is amazing that I never heard of this device before today, and I can attest to its simple elegance and design.  At the Powderhorn here in Bozeman, Bill and I put my rifle into the vise and he pulled this instrument out and we proceeded to put the rings on the rifle.  Bill explained the principle on how the Scope-Tru was designed, and we put the rings in place and loaded the tool into the bottom rings.  With a few adjustments, we tightened everything down, checking the center of the bolt and bore with the points on the tool.  After everything was set to our satisfaction, we bore sighted the scope only to find it off-center about 5 clicks.  I took it to the range and was 2 inches left and about 3 inches high, more than satisfactory for a bore sighting.  This tool does work and would be a valuable tool in any shooter’s box that cares about easy, true alignment of their scopes.


Tom Olson – Bozeman Business Owner : 

I’m a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and have several decades of experience.  The Scope-Tru is by far the simplest and most accurate scope alignment tool on the market.  Without this tool an avid shooter using high-end equipment will need a precision turned and ground bar to align the rings to prevent damage to the scope and a bore sighting device.  As with most avid shooters I have both.  I also have optics that after shooting have obvious witness marks from the rings, indicating misalignment of the rings at initial mounting.  With the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar the precision ground ring alignment tool is eliminated, and the need for a bore site device also eliminated.  The simplicity of the device is astounding and makes the engineer in me envious.  Excellent work.


John Barsness – Staff writer for American Rifleman, Guns, and Varmint Hunter : 

I mount a lot of scopes, and the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar makes the job both easier and more precise–especially with Leupold scope mounts, the most popular on the market.  If used correctly, it takes the place of both ring alignment rods and a collimator.  Plus, it just looks nifty!


 Pat Sinclair – Federal Trapper, Montana Outfitter, Long Range Hunter, and Inventor of the Montana Sling :

Just a quick note to let you know I just finished up mounting a new scope on my old Sako 461 .223, using your precision ring alignment tool.  In less than 10 minutes the complete job was done.  I then went out to the bench to get it on paper.  Looking through the bore everything looked lined up, so I fired one shot at 100 yards.  The bullet was 4″ high but exactly at 12 o’clock on the target!  No windage adjustment was necessary.  To have the scope’s windage in true center is testament to the accuracy of this device.  To say I’m impressed would be an understatement!  Thanks for a great product!


 Chris Winstead – Competitive Shooter and Trainer :

Let’s keep this simple.  All you do is slap the bar into the rings.  Center the bar to the center of the barrel and you’re done!  It works every time, on every ring.  I have mounted thousands of scopes, and this tool makes it very easy.


 Tony Garibaldi – Hunter and Competitive Shooter :

I’d like to attest to the quality and design of Jerry Schmidt’s scope installation tool.  I put on the Public Sight-In days at our local Rifle Range.  We normally do 250 to 300 guns over a two day period.  I’ve seen scopes installed in ways I didn’t think were possible.  After using Jerry’s Scope-Tru tool and following the instructions that were enclosed, it’s never been easier to install a scope properly.  I strongly endorse this product.


 Kirk Stovall – Shooter, Hunter, and Firearms Collector :

Any man will attest to the concept that “simpler is better.”  The Scope-Tru Alignment Bar embodies all the virtues of simplicity and usefulness.  I have mounted hundreds of scopes over the years and have always been in a hurry and more often than not, done it wrong.  Using the scope tube to turn the front ring into the base is probably the most common affliction with scope mounting.  This tool allows the user to turn the ring into the base with no damage to a scope tube.  Then once the ring is in place, you can proceed to align the front and rear rings to almost perfect alignment with the bore.


Duncan Hill – Hunter and Shooter,  Bozeman, Montana : 

The Scope-Tru made my latest scope mount an effortless affair.  Fast, easy, and spot on!  I highly recommend this device to the serious hunter/shooter as a foundational tool for accurate and rapid scope alignment.


 Steve Davis – Precision Rifle Shooter :

I’ve spent the last week experimenting with the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar.  The first night when I got home with it, I spent time just examining the tool.  I went all over it with a micrometer, while also admiring the quality of the machining.  I noticed how light reflected off of it, which came in handy when I used it for scope mounting later on.  One of my first projects was to re-mount the scope on my bolt action rifle.  First, I checked to see how well centered my reticle was in the scope tube.  It was way off, over half way to the edge of the tube.  Much of the windage adjustment had been used up in zeroing.  I removed the rings and centered the reticle.  Next, I used the Scope-Tru to mount and align the rings.  Several fine adjustments brought everything into alignment.  I mounted the scope, and took it out.  The windage adjustment was perfect the first time.  The Scope-Tru Alignment Bar is a great tool – but, it takes a skillful eye to master it.  The tool took me from “I think that’s pretty good” to “I know that’s dead on.”  My experience with the tool has made me a believer in the Scope-Tru Alignment Bar.


Brian M. Moloney – Professional Engineer,  Helena, Montana : 

“Artistic Simplicity with Elegant Accuracy” – I have been fortunate enough to have been able to use one of these fine tools for scope mounting recently.  Although I am no expert, I have mounted dozens of scopes on rifles over the years for both myself and for close friends.  As a mechanical engineer and shooting sports enthusiast, it has always amazed me that a tool such as this has not been developed before now.  It is not hard to imagine the inaccuracy caused by such seemingly archaic and imprecise methods of mounting and aligning rings to a set of ring bases that have been employed before the development of this tool.  Miniscule misalignment can cause extreme errors in impact and is magnified at longer ranges.  Not only the inaccuracy of the finished product, the risk of damaging a scope is also a real problem until now.  This tool solves several challenges that mounting scopes presents.  It provides for a safe, reliable, and proper method for turning the rings into the bases, and also solves the various problems in aligning the rings with the rifle and each other.  The issue of damage to the scope due to misalignment is now forgotten.  I must thank Jerry for the thought and intuition invested in designing this fine tool.  I believe that the shooting sports and hunting community will embrace this tool and method of mounting rings as the standard for this process.  I have.


Blair Hansen – Major General (retired) :

I’ve been using your Scope-Tru scope mounting and ring alignment tool since the fall of 2011, and to say I’m impressed is putting it mildly.  To date, I’ve used it to mount several scopes using the Leupold mounts and rings.  The elegant simplicity of the tool and your concept–mounting and aligning scope rings to the center of the barrel–is the hallmark of the tool, in my opinion.  I own and, until now, have used the pointed aluminum tools (two short rods, pointed on one end), to try to do what the Scope-Tru tool much more precisely does in ensuring scope alignment.  I no longer use the short tools, as their shortfall is that they do not do what a solid, precisely machined bar–such as the Scope-Tru–will do.  The upshot of my experience with the Scope-Tru is that I have re-aligned all of my rifles on which I have Leupold-type mounts, as well as mounting several new mounts and scopes in the short time I have used this tool.  This may be a bit of heresy to the dyed-in-the-wool ring lapping fans, but I have found that the Scope-Tru all but eliminates the need to lap the rings before installing the scope–with Scope-Tru, there is nothing to “bite” and mar the scope, save for the occasional rough edge that can be smoothed without lapping.  Congratulations on a fine invention.  Your craftsmanship on this tool is exceeded only by your big idea.  I look forward to using more of your thoughtful products. 


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